
Assessment Criteria

Before you start, read these assessment criteria. This is a major piece of assessment for the Asia Pacific Unit, so make sure you do your best.

  • Content: All sections of the topics have been considered and covered in the web quest. (5 marks)
  • Research skills: Ability to put information into own words, relevance and range of websites used. (5 marks)
  • Analysis and thinking: Ability to construct relevant and original questions and tasks based on web information. (10 marks)
  • Presentation: Careful proofreading has been done, document / site is clear, well designed and organised, visually it is interesting and stimulating through good use of illustrations. (5 marks)
  • All elements present: A complete task has an introduction, a minimum of 6 and maximum of 8 website, with a minimum of 3 relevant and well thought out questions for each website. An answer sheet is provided.  (5 marks)
  • Submitting work on the due date (10% will be deducted for each day late)

Total mark is out of 35.