Singapore Webquest

You are to create a webquest which addresses different geographical elements of a country in the Asia Pacific. You need to use geographical words such as:  location, climate, topography, ecosystems, population, culture/religion, education, economy, built environments etc etc.

Avoid asking simple yes/no questions, or simple questions which can be answered in one word.
Provide the URL and write a short description of each site. Construct at least 3 questions for each site. 

Here is an example:

This website contains easy to read information about Singapore’s climate and weather.  It is aimed at providing information for people choosing to travel or live in Singapore.

  1. Compare the climate of Singapore with Melbourne. 
  2. Describe the location of Singapore, using geographical terminology.
  3. Identify the main features of Singapore's climate. 
  4. What problems might people of Singapore face as a result of their climate?
(PS, this was just a quick true and false test, you can make a far better one)