Command Terms

Command Terms

Command Terms are words which tell you how you should answer a question. Throughout your studies in Humanities, you will encounter these words over and over again. These command terms are used in Year 8, 9, 10, IB, VCE and in University.
In your webquest, you should try to use these command terms in your questions.

Humanities - Command Terms and Definitions
Account for
Give reasons for why something exists or occurs
Show the essence of something by breaking it down and examining each part critically. Clarify any relationship between each part.
Make a judgment about the value, quality, outcomes or results of an argument.
Compare / contrast
Describe the similarities / differences between two or more things.
Give a clear and precise meaning of a given word, term or concept. (using examples here often helps even if not specifically asked for)
Present the characteristics of a particular topic. Give a detailed account (often emphasising the most important features). PQE can be used in this instance.
Offer a considered and balanced review of a particular topic. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by evidence and argument.  Use arguments, debate, give reasons for and against, consider the implications
Give reasons why a situation exists or process occurs.
Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue.
Make an appraisal by weighing up strengths and limitations.
Recognise and state briefly a distinguishing fact or feature.
Give reasons for your choice or decision.
Give the main features or general principles of a topic, omitting minor details and emphasising structure and connections
To what extent
Evaluate the success or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with empirical evidence and sound argument.
Pattern/ Quantification/ Exception (PQE)
P- General pattern. What is the general thing/ pattern you notice from the data? i.e. the predominant colour/ pattern/ location of the things you are being asked to describe.
Q- Quantification. This is a fancy way of saying, to use figures/-adding statistics, naming regions and/ location.
E- Exceptions. At times, in some maps or graphs, there are things that did not fit the overall pattern. These are called exceptions or anomalies. Look for these.
SHEEPT factors
Social, Historical, Economic, Environmental, Political and Technological factors.